Saturday, January 4, 2014

Interracial Family Cheerios Commercial

I know this is old news but I haven't had a chance to formally address it outside of a post of Facebook. So for those of you who haven't heard there's a Cheerios commercial on YouTube that features an interracial family. A Caucasian mom, African American dad, and their sweet little daughter (with awesome hair). Of course here's the video for reference:

Now after this video was released there were a number of negative racist comments made; which to those of us in interracial relationships (myself included) are not terribly surprised by, but at some point it does just become ridiculous and makes one wonder about the world we live in. The issue of interracial dating is one of those topics that isn't often discussed and it has been something that has interested me since I was young and the first person I had a crush on, at the age of six, happened to be a different race than me. I didn't think much of it until I mentioned it to my family and his race was mentioned more than his name, but that's a story for another post.

Back to this commercial...Cheerios did an awesome job of portraying a loving family having an interesting encounter involving the cereal, and then they were demonized and on some level threatening the world of those who chose post those hateful comments. Racism is far from over in this country and interracial dating, although no longer illegal, is still fighting to be seen as "OK" by many. I just find the negative reactions to this commercial ridiculous and hope than one day things like this won't even be a topic of discussion, unless it's to say, "Man I could really go for some Cheerios right now."


**Disclaimer: The above video is property of YouTube© and I do not claim to own it.**

Back from Impromptu Hiatus!

Hi All,

Originally A Look Inside was a blog dedicated to analyzing media content, for it's inclusiveness (or lack thereof) and messages. I'm back from my unmentioned and impromptu hiatus. Along with analyzing media content, I'll also be focusing on the topic of interracial dating.

Spending my awesome birthday at a farm in Queens 
Stay tuned...
